Friday, April 23, 2010


outopi taste so good...
every so often, i get to borrow a nice viola from someone for a while! in this way, i've tried 5 different violas made by the legendary Marilyn Wallin. i admire her free hand at crafting awesome sounding violas. every instrument reminds you of the others, but is always unique.all 5 were slightly different models but all shared the gentle slopping shoulders. one had an edge that looked like the thick crust of a pie and another had the gentlest recurve. you never know what you're getting, but its always exciting coz they are all so frightfully delicious . i got to borrow this one for the weekend!

please excuse me, i have to go play it for a few hours now!


i still think cats are cold and mean even though.
that's where i'm at.