VSO #6 is progressing off to a slow start. the two halves were hollowed out in preparation for joining:

the edges are reduced with my reciprocating powered carving thing so that a novice like myself can join the two halves. 9mm thick is easier to join than 25mm thick planks.
but things of course never go easy when you are on a mission, otherwise, it wouldn't be fun now, would it? just as i got done, my rotary tool started rattling like nuts. i took it apart and a cap had apparently broken off the board. now what are the chances of that? this toy saw less than 30 hours of action... i tortured my last one for 5 years before i lost it.... just my luck i suppose. need to find a replacement cap and we'll be ok. or i might as well spring for another one and have two. don't know... we'll see.

to be continued